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HomeFCA Membership Benefits

Fiat Club America Membership Benefits

FCA Logo 25 Eligibility to participate in all National, Regional, and Chapter events, including the Fiat Freakout, the largest annual gathering of Fiats in North America.
FCA Logo 25 Annual FCA calendar mailed to you gratis.
FCA Logo 25 Online access to our FCA Magazine, including our archive of 30+ years of previous editions.
FCA Logo 25 Exclusive access to FCA merchandise.
FCA Logo 25 10% discount with Drury hotels.
FCA Logo 25 5% discount with Hagertys Collector Insurance.
FCA Logo 25 Access to hundreds of fellow owners across North America full of technical advice, knowledge, experience, and helpful tips.

For as little as $55 /year, we think Fiat Club America membership is a pretty good deal.  If you agree,


FIAT Club America is the largest and most active FIAT brand enthusiast group in North America.